independent third-party test results
Project No. 148
Test Report for the ARID Technologies Vapor Recovery Unit installed in LANTANA, FL
Prepared for: Arid Technologies, Inc.
Prepared By: Matus Technical Services, Inc.
1.0 Introduction
Matus Technical Services, Inc. (MTS) conducted an emission test program at a retail gasoline loading station located in Lantana, FL for the purpose of demonstrating capture efficiency of the Arid Technologies, Inc. vapor control unit and for the purpose of comparing vent stack emissions when PERMEATOR® is "OFF" versus "ON".
The testing period was continuous and lasted approximately 72 hours in length. Sampling was conducted at the outlet vent to the underground storage tanks when the PERMEATOR® was "OFF" and at three locations from the PERMEATOR® vapor recovery unit which is operated to control hydrocarbon (VOC) emissions during gasoline dispensing operations.
The emission rates are reported as total hydrocarbons in pounds per 24 hour period, pounds of hydrocarbons emitted from the vapor control unit per 1000 gallons of gasoline loaded into vehicles, and processor total hydrocarbon capture efficiency in percent.
Matus Technical Services used EPA test procedures in 40CFR60 Subpart XX, "Standard of Performance for Bulk Gasoline Loading Terminals". The specific parameters measured included the following:
At The Outlet Test Location: Total hydrocarbons by NDIR (Method 25B), exhaust volume by volume meter (Method 2A), volume meter temperature by thermocouple, outlet meter pressure by pressure transducer
At The Inlet Test Location: Total hydrocarbons by NDIR (Method 25B)
Dispensing Operations: Gasoline volume dispensed into vehicles.
Vapor Connections and Vapor Collection Piping: Leak test by explosimeter (Method 21).
Matus Technical Services was responsible for all on-site sampling as well as for the submission of this final report of the test results which include a description of the sampling and analytical methods and the calculations used.
2.0 Summary of Results
The emission rate for the vapor control device and vent stack at this gasoline dispensing facility was determined. The results of the test under each condition are summarized in Table 2-1 below.
Table 2-1 Test Results
TERMINAL DESCRIPTION | Retail Gasoline Dispensing |
TEST DATE/TEST PERIOD | 2/14-15/05 | 2/15-16/05 | 2/16-17/05 |
TEST CONDITIONS | Permeator Off Vent Off | Permeator On | Permeator Off Vent On |
GASOLINE LOADED (Gallons) | 19,186 | 19,121 | 18,908 |
AVERAGE OUTLET CONCENTRATION % (C3) | 39.79 | 0.72 | 41.58 |
AVERAGE HYDROCARBON EMISSION (lbs/1000 gallons) | 3.48 | 0.014 | 1.20 |
HYDROCARBON EMISSION RATE (lb/24hr) | 66.84 | 0.27 | 22.75* |
HYDROCARBON REMOVAL EFFICIENCY (calculated using total inlet and outlet masses) | NA | 99.27 | NA |
*Note: An unquantifiable amount of gasoline vapors were released to atmosphere due to leaky tank fill points and during tank filling operation.
3.0 Facility and System Operation
3.1 Vapor Collection and Transfer
This site performs Stage II vapor recovery at its Lantana, FL retail operation. There are twelve fueling points equipped with Gilbarco Vapor Vac dispensers at this facility.
3.2 Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU)
The PERMEATOR® gasoline vapor processor is a membrane system which allows gasoline vapors to pass through and back into the storage tank, while preventing air from permeating the membrane which is vented to atmosphere.
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