PERMEATOR installed at Test Site prior to instruments being attached.
Test Trailer parked adjacent to ARID's PERMEATOR.
Test Trailer which housed the hyrdocarbon analyzers,
data logger and
PERMEATOR Feed and Return piping retrofit with
hydrocarbon sensor sample
Left: Flowmeter attached to vent riser
Right: Close-up of rotary flow meter with pv valve unattached.
Close-up of rotary flow meter and dry gas meter (attached in series)
with the pv valve attached.
Test Trailer, PERMEATOR and Canopy.
Tubing entry into the instrumented trailer.
Internal view of Test Trailer showing analyzers,
calibration gas
standards and laptop.
Typical Loading profile at the test site.
Leaky overfill drain valve bucket.
Left to Right: Ted Tiberi(ARID), Tom Driscoll (USEPA), Harold Matus
(Matus Technical Services).
Left to Right: Martin Costello (Florida DEP) Selva Selvendran (Palm
Beach County Health Dept), Paul Kalamaras (Palm Beach County Health
Dept), Tom Driscoll (USEPA).